Let my life be messy-So his world can grow

We have a busy three and a half year old boy, who likes to snuggle, likes to help, and knows exactly what he wants and when he wants it. Early each morning he crawls into bed with us to put his cold feet on my growing belly.

Baby girl is due in six weeks and it feels like there is a lot to do before she arrives. We have to finish fixing water damage in the basement. We have to set up the baby’s room. We have to put the mounds of laundry away in our bedroom so the bassinette will fit. Forget about picking a name and taking maternity pictures!

Our little guy is pretty excited about being “a big brother.” He really wants to help with our tasks, which is wonderful, but most times this isn’t actually helpful… like when I’m trying to fold tiny newborn sleepers and he decides to reorder the piles. I tend to get frustrated with him but I’ve noticed Daddy is finding ways to include him. He becomes the vacuum guy as they work downstairs. He becomes the holder of the nuts and bolts and the one to turn the screwdriver as we build the bassinette. He becomes the one who puts away the box of diapers and he tells us how he plans help when the baby has a stinky diaper. (Yah!)

I really like that he’s busy and distracted during these moments, it lets me get a thing or two done. But then I realize something when he tries a new activity, or plays with a toy, or talks about something he would like to do. He already knows how to do it! He was learning during those “keep him busy jobs”, they weren’t just a distraction.

Sometimes it so easy to forget that parenting isn’t about just getting through the task, or the day, or the week, or in our case, until baby comes. For our little fellow, each moment, each interaction, each activity is about learning and growing. I hope I can slow life down more often and let those moments happen, let the folding be rearranged, let my life be messy- so his world can grow.